JPM, Stronger Together!

Your professional activities are sometimes complicated, always urgent, and they arealso, above all, a source of satisfaction and fulfilment.

At JPM we manufacture bodies to accompany you both on the road and in your trade.What's more, we consider them to be real work tools. They must be strong,durable, light, able to be repaired, adapted, and fit in with your professionalactivities. A JPM body is a work tool which has been thoroughly considered fromits design to its recycling, whilst reducing its CO2emissions.

Considered, of course, but collectively. A JPM body is the fruit of close collaborationbetween the person using it, those who manufacture it, and those who contributeto its maintenance. We are convinced that the welfare and prosperity of thoseinvolved is essential for this operation to be successful.

However, what use would everyone's success be without preserving our planet and ourliving conditions? The entire JPM community is contributing to this: JPM staffby making responsible purchases and the correct manufacturing choices, the JPMdistributors by assembling and maintaining the bodies as locally as possible toyou, subscribing to and supporting this approach.