The website is the property of TRADYC.
Head Office
Pierre Blanche
Allée des Alouettes
43120 MONISTROL sur LOIRE, France
Tel: +33 (0)9 79 36 79 20
Simplified Joint Stock Company with capital of 100,000 €uros.
Registered with the RCS in Puy en Velay 501 710 495
SIRET 501 710 495 00018
VAT FR 54 501 710 495
APE code: 4619A
Publication Director: Yves Chevalier
Website Management
ZA Relais de Merlin
RN 88
12800 NAUCELLE, France
Tel: +33 (0)5 65 69 24 70
The website is hosted by Shopify.
Website created by DATASOLUTION :
224 rue du Faubourg St Antoine
75012 PARIS
Tél : +33 1 83 79 02 05
In compliance with the French law dated 6 January 1978, the website has been the subject of a declaration to the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (French National Data Protection Commission).
TRADYC wishes to notify you that the data which you provide on the website when you fill in the data collection forms (account creation, contact, writing a review, etc.), when you subscribe to its newsletter, when you make an online purchase are the subject of computer processing implemented under its responsibility.
The information marked with an asterisk is compulsory. If this is not provided, TRADYC will be unable to process your request.
You are likely to receive offers from the JPM brand as soon as you have given your consent by ticking the box provided for this.
In compliance with the French and European regulations relating to the protection of personal data, you have a right to correction and deletion of your personal data.
For any request, you should send a letter accompanied by proof of identity to “JPM Service Clients ZA Le Relais de Merlin RN88 12800 Naucelle, France”.
TRADYC may collect personal data concerning you via the use of Cookies. For more information, please consult our cookie management policy.
Any partial or total reproduction of the website is prohibited and would constitute an infringement penalised by the French Intellectual Property Code. The same is true for the databases on the website, which are protected by the applicable legal provisions. Users and visitors may not put in place a hyperlink in the direction of the website without express prior authorisation from TRADYC.
2023 Gender Equality Index: not calculable
- Pay gap indicator: not calculable
- Individual pay rise gap indicator: not calculable
- Return from maternity leave indicator: not calculable
- High salary indicator: 10/10